Mahadev Quotes In English
The only source of knowledge is experience.
Shiva is the ultimate reality, the truth beyond all truths.

If you want to achieve greatness, stop asking for permission.
Shiva is the one who bestows the power of meditation.
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
Success is not measured by what you accomplish but by the obstacles you overcome.
Shiva is the destroyer of fear and the source of courage.
The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.
Shiva is the one who bestows the power of devotion and surrender.
The greatest wealth is to live content with little.
Shiva is the one who destroys all that is false
and illusory and establishes truth and righteousness.
Shiva is the one who transcends all duality.
who is beyond all names and forms.
Life is like riding a bicycle.
To keep your balance, you must keep moving.
Shiva is the ultimate reality.
the truth beyond all truths.
The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling,
but in rising every time we fall.
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Mahadev Quotes In English
Shiva is the cosmic dancer who creates and destroys the universe.
The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts about today.
Shiva is the Lord of Yoga.
the one who bestows enlightenment.
Amid movement and chaos,
Keep stillness inside of you.
Shiva is the one who bestows liberation and ultimate freedom.
Believe you can, and you’re halfway there.
Shiva is the ultimate guru.
the one who guides us on the path of enlightenment.
If you can dream it, you can achieve it.
Shiva is the destroyer of ego and the source of humility.
A dream doesn’t become reality through magic;
it takes sweat, determination, and hard work.
Shiva is the one who destroys all that is false and illusory.
The best way to predict the future is to create it.
Shiva is the embodiment of compassion and love.
You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.
Shiva is the one who bestows the power of self-realization.
Bhole baba image
The energy of the mind is the essence of life.
Lord Shiva is often associated with meditation
and the control of one’s thoughts and mind.
Lord Shiva is the ultimate Yogi.
the source of all spiritual knowledge and wisdom.
In the stillness of your presence,
you can feel the divine presence of Shiva.
Shiva is the destroyer of ego
and the ultimate liberator of the soul.
Embrace the ashes of your ego,
and you will rise like a phoenix into spiritual awakening.
Shiva’s third eye sees beyond the apparent
and into the depths of the soul.
Lord Shiva’s dance, the Tandava,
represents the rhythm of life,
creation, and destruction.
The Ganga flows from the locks of Shiva.
purifying everything in its path.
Let your thoughts flow like the sacred river.
Seek refuge in Shiva’s grace,
and you will find inner peace
and solace amid life’s chaos.
The mind is everything. What you think, you become.
Lord Shiva emphasizes the power of thoughts and consciousness.
Lord Shiva is not a god. He is the god.
Highlighting Shiva’s supreme status in Hinduism.
Destruction is not evil. Creation must flourish.
Shiva represents both destruction and creation.
I am not the body; I am the soul.
A reminder of the eternal nature of the self
Om Namah Shivaya is A powerful mantra that means
I bow to Shiva” and is often used in meditation.
In every moment, a new creation is taking place.
Signifying the continuous cycle of creation and destruction.
Mahakal image
The source of all suffering is attachment.
Teaching the importance of detachment and letting go.
Shiva is the dance, and the universe is his stage.
You are describing Shiva’s cosmic dance of creation and destruction.
Find joy in the path of the divine.
Encouraging spiritual seekers to embrace their journey.
In the stillness of your presence, you can feel your formlessness.
and timeless reality as the unmanifested life that animates your physical form.
Lord Shiva is not just a god;
He is consciousness itself.
The ultimate reality
The power of destruction is also the power of creation.
and Lord Shiva embodies this paradoxical truth.
To understand the depth of Lord Shiva’s wisdom,
One must dive into the silence of meditation.
Just as the moon reflects the light of the sun,
Our soul reflects the divine presence of Lord Shiva.
In the dance of Lord Shiva, the universe is both created and destroyed.
reminding us of the impermanence of all things.
Lord Shiva teaches us to let go of attachments and ego.
for only in surrender can we find true liberation.
When the mind is still,
The soul can hear the whispers of Lord Shiva’s wisdom.
Shiva’s third eye symbolizes the inner vision
that sees beyond the surface and perceives the true nature of reality.
The essence of Lord Shiva is love.
compassion, and the transcendence of all dualities.”
Har Har Mahadev! This is a common chant among Shiva devotees.
meaning “Hail Lord Shiva!
Lord Shiva, the destroyer of evil, resides within all of us.
Seek his blessings to overcome your inner demons.
In the stillness of your soul,
You can feel the presence of Lord Shiva.
Ujjain mahakal photo
Shiva is not just a god; he’s a way of life.
Embrace his teachings of meditation, detachment, and inner peace.
When life gets tough, remember Lord Shiva’s third eye.
which symbolizes wisdom and the ability to see beyond the surface.
The dance of Lord Shiva, known as the Tandava,
symbolizes the cosmic cycles of creation and destruction.
Seek solace in the serenity of Shiva.
for in his tranquility, you’ll find your own.
Shiva is the embodiment of simplicity.
Learn to let go of the unnecessary
and find contentment in the present moment.
Just as the river Ganga flows from Lord Shiva’s locks to nourish the land,
let your actions flow from a pure heart to benefit others.
Om Namah Shivaya This is a powerful mantra that means to bow to Lord Shiva.
Chanting it can bring inner peace and spiritual growth.
Har Har Mahadev This is a popular chant that means
Hail Lord Shiva It is often used by devotees to show reverence to Lord Shiva.
Lord Shiva is the destroyer of the world,
following Brahma the creator, and Vishnu the preserver,
after which Brahma again creates the world, and so on.
In the stillness of your presence,
you can feel your formlessness. ness.
and timeless reality as the unmanifested
life that animates your physical form.
Lord Shiva’s dance symbolizes the cosmic cycles of creation and destruction.
and the balance of life’s dualities.”
Surrendering the ego at the feet of Lord Shiva
leads to liberation from the cycle of birth and death.
Lord Shiva’s third eye represents inner vision, wisdom, and insight.
Just as the lotus blooms untouched by water,
the soul remains unaffected by the world if it is devoted to Lord Shiva.
When you seek nothing, expect nothing, and embrace everything,
you will find the path to true happiness, as taught by Lord Shiva.
Har har Mahadev photo
Lord Shiva’s compassion and love for his devotees are boundless,
and he is always ready to grant them blessings and guidance.
Om Namah Shivaya This is a powerful mantra that means I bow to Shiva
and is often chanted by devotees to connect with the divine energy of Lord Shiva.
The mind is everything. What you think, you become.
Lord Shiva is often associated with meditation and control over the mind.
Blessed is the one who has learned to admire but not envy,
to follow but not imitate, to praise but not flatter, and to lead but not manipulate.
Lord Shiva’s teachings emphasize inner qualities and self-realization.
A good heart, a peaceful mind,
and a humble soul are the most beautiful things one can possess.
These qualities are often attributed to Lord Shiva.
Destroy what destroys you.
Lord Shiva is also known as the destroyer of evil and ignorance.
In the depth of meditation,
a man can find the sudden illumination that reveals to him a new way.
a new life, a new world. Lord Shiva’s deep meditation symbolizes inner enlightenment.
Life is a dance of energy, and, like music,
it has its rhythm and flow.
Lord Shiva is often depicted as the Lord of Dance,
symbolizing the rhythmic and cyclical nature of existence.
I am neither good nor bad, neither virtuous nor sinful.
I am Shiva, I am pure consciousness.
This quote reflects the transcendental nature of Lord Shiva.
When you have nothing left but God, then for the first time,
you become aware that God is enough.
Lord Shiva is often seen as the ultimate source of solace and strength.
Om Namah Shivaya This is a powerful mantra in devotion to Lord Shiva, translating to
I bow to Shiva. Reciting it is believed to invoke the divine presence and blessings of Lord Shiva.
Shiva is not a god up in the clouds.
He’s a force inside us all.”
The dance of Shiva is the dance of the universe,
the creation, and destruction of worlds,
the rising and falling of cosmic ages.
It is the perpetual motion of existence.
Shiva, the ultimate Yogi, teaches us that stillness
and movement are not opposing forces but complementary aspects of life.
When you see with the eyes of love, everything is beautiful.
When you live with the grace of Shiva, everything is divine.
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Lord shiva quotes
Shiva is the destroyer of ego, the transformer of consciousness,
and the embodiment of stillness and compassion.
To see Shiva, you must look within.
The external world is just a reflection of the internal world.
Shiva’s third eye is the eye of wisdom.
It sees beyond the illusions of the material world to the truth that lies within.
Har Har Mahadev! This is a common chant in devotion to Lord Shiva.
It means “Hail Lord Shiva!
Destroy what destroys you.
Lord Shiva is often seen as a symbol of destruction,
and this quote encourages us to overcome our inner demons and negative tendencies.
The mind is everything.
What you think, you become.
This quote emphasizes the power of our thoughts
and the importance of maintaining a positive and focused mind.
Shiva is not a word. It’s an emotion.
This quote reflects the deep emotional
and spiritual connection that devotees feel towards Lord Shiva.
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
Lord Shiva is often depicted in simple attire,
and this quote underscores the beauty of simplicity and humility.
In the depths of silence, you find the roaring ocean of Shiva.
It highlights that deep meditation
and introspection can lead to a profound connection with Lord Shiva.
The dance of Shiva is the dance of the universe.
Lord Shiva’s cosmic dance, known as the Tandava,
symbolizes the continuous cycle of creation and destruction in the universe.
Lord Shiva, the ultimate renunciant, is the epitome of compassion and kindness.
This quote underscores Lord Shiva’s qualities of compassion and mercy.
Blessed is the one who understands the true essence of Shiva.
for in Him lies the path to liberation.
It emphasizes the spiritual significance of Lord Shiva in Hinduism.
Shiva is the source of both good and evil.
and He teaches us to embrace both with equanimity.
Lord Shiva represents the balance between opposing forces.
and this quote reflects that duality.
Har Har Mahadev! This is a popular chant among Shiva devotees,
which means “Hail Lord Shiva!
Lord Shiva, the destroyer of evil,
resides in the hearts of those who seek him with a pure heart.
Lord shiva quotes
In the stillness of your soul,
you will find the presence of Lord Shiva.
Shiva is not just a god; he is a way of life,
a symbol of devotion, and a source of inspiration.
When you surrender to Lord Shiva,
you find the strength to overcome any obstacle.”
The dance of Lord Shiva, the Nataraja,
symbolizes the rhythm of the universe and the cycle of creation and destruction.”
Lord Shiva teaches us that detachment from material
possessions leads to spiritual liberation.”
Like the crescent moon on his forehead,
may the light of Shiva’s wisdom shine in your life.
In the sacred ashes of Shiva,
one finds the purity of the soul.
When all else crumbles,
the essence of Shiva remains eternal.
The destroyer of evil has many forms,
and yet he is formless. He is the Great Lord Shiva.
In the stillness of your mind and the depths of your heart,
You will find Lord Shiva.
Lord Shiva’s third eye sees what no ordinary eye can see—the truth.”
Embrace the ashes of your past,
for in the hands of Lord Shiva,
They become the foundation for a new beginning.
When you seek the blessings of Lord Shiva,
You are seeking the ultimate source of strength and compassion.
The dance of Lord Shiva, the Tandava,
symbolizes the cosmic cycles of creation and destruction.
Breathe in the energy of Shiva.
and let go of the burdens that weigh you down.
Mahadev quotes in English
In the presence of Lord Shiva,
even the most daunting challenges can be overcome.
Lord Shiva teaches us to detach from the material world and find inner peace.
Om Namah Shivaya: This sacred mantra invokes the divine presence of Lord Shiva.
Har Har Mahadev! This is a common chant among Shiva devotees,
which means “Hail Lord Shiva!”
Lord Shiva, the destroyer,
is also the preserver and the creator of the universe.”
In the stillness of your presence,
you can feel the divine Shiva within you.”
Shiva is not a god in the usual sense.
He is the absolute reality, the timeless,
formless, and unchanging consciousness.”
Blessed are those who have experienced
the divine grace of Shiva’s blessings.”
Shiva teaches us that life is a dance,
and we are the dancers. Embrace the rhythm of life.
The third eye of Shiva symbolizes the inner vision
and the ability to see beyond the material world.
Lord Shiva’s grace is like a soothing river
that washes away the impurities of the soul.
When you surrender to Shiva,
you let go of your ego and find inner peace.
Shiva is the destroyer of ignorance
and the embodiment of ultimate truth.”
Har Har Mahadev! This is a popular mantra
and chants that devotees of Lord Shiva use to invoke his blessings.
It means “Hail Lord Shiva!
In the heart of every living being,
there resides the great Lord Shiva.
Seek Him within, and you shall find peace.
Om namah shivay images
Shiva is not just a god; He is a way of life,
a consciousness, and the ultimate truth.
Lord Shiva, the destroyer, is also the liberator.
He destroys the ego and grants us the realization of our true self.
The dance of Lord Shiva, the Nataraja,
symbolizes the eternal cycle of creation
and destruction, reminding us of the impermanence of all things.
When you offer your actions to Lord Shiva with devotion,
even the ordinary becomes extraordinary.
Shiva’s third eye represents wisdom and insight.
Open your third eye, and you will see beyond the illusions of the world.
Blessed are those who find solace in the meditation of Lord Shiva,
for they find peace amid chaos.”
Lord Shiva’s matted locks symbolize his detachment
from the material world and his embrace of the spiritual path.
In the silence of meditation,
you can hear the whispers of Lord Shiva guiding you on your inner journey.
Har Har Mahadev! This is a common chant that means
Hail Lord Shiva! It’s used by his devotees to show reverence.
The destroyer is also the creator.
Lord Shiva symbolizes the cycle of creation, preservation, and destruction.
In the stillness of your presence,
you can feel the power of Lord Shiva.
He is the silent witness within you.
Lord Shiva teaches us that detachment
and meditation are the paths to inner peace and enlightenment.
Just as the moon shines by reflecting the light of the sun,
Lord Shiva reflects the light of the Divine.
Lord Shiva’s third eye symbolizes the awakening of higher consciousness and the ability to see beyond the physical world.”
Shiva’s dance, the Tandava, represents the cosmic cycles of creation and destruction. It reminds us of the impermanence of all things.”
Sukoon meaning in English
Lord Shiva’s compassion knows no bounds.
He accepts all, forgives all,
and guides all towards the path of righteousness.”
When you surrender to Lord Shiva,
you let go of your ego and find true liberation.”
Lord Shiva is not just a deity he is a way of life.
Embrace his teachings,
and you will find inner peace and spiritual growth.
Embrace the power of destruction within you,
for only through destruction can new creations be born.
In the stillness of your soul,
you will find the answers you seek.
Seek within, for I reside there.
Just as the river finds its way to the sea,
let your path lead you to self-realization.
Fear not the end, for it is but the beginning of a new journey.
Let your heart be a temple, and your actions be prayers.
Detachment is not about losing things,
but about understanding that nothing in this world truly belongs to you.
The true yogi finds balance within the chaos of life.
In the dance of creation and destruction, I am the eternal rhythm.
Live with love, for love is the essence of life itself.
Meditation is the key that unlocks the door to the universe within.
The power of destruction is also the power of creation.
In the stillness of your mind, you will find the answers you seek.
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Bhole baba photo
The truest form of strength is the strength of character.
Life is a dance of time, and I am the eternal dancer.
Let go of your ego, and you will find the divine within you.
I am not the body; I am the soul that resides within.
Meditation is the key to unlocking the doors of inner peace.
Love is the most powerful force in the universe.
Embrace change, for it is the only constant in life.
Find joy in simplicity, for it is the source of true happiness.
Har Har Mahadev! This is a common chant among Shiva devotees,
meaning “Hail Lord Shiva!
The destroyer is also the benefactor,
for, in the end, he destroys only to renew.
Lord Shiva, the embodiment of serenity,
teaches us to remain calm in the face of adversity.
Shiva’s third eye symbolizes the inner vision,
the wisdom that sees beyond the obvious.
In the heart of every soul,
Shiva resides as the eternal truth.
Shiva, the cosmic dancer,
reminds us that life is a dance,
and we must find our rhythm within the chaos.
Embrace your inner Shiva,
and let go of the attachments that bind you.
Sankar Bhagavan photos
Shiva’s love for nature reminds us to protect and cherish our environment.
Meditation is the key to unlocking the Shiva within you.
Shiva is not just a god but a way of life,
teaching us to balance our inner and outer worlds.
Har Har Mahadev! This is a popular chant among Shiva devotees,
and it means “Hail Lord Shiva!
In the heart of every devotee,
Lord Shiva resides as the ultimate truth.
Lord Shiva is the destroyer of evil
and the embodiment of compassion and wisdom.
When you bow to Lord Shiva, you turn to your true self.
Shiva is not just a god;
he is the universe in motion and the silence beyond it.
The dance of Lord Shiva, known as the Tandava,
symbolizes the cosmic cycles of creation and destruction.
Shiva teaches us to embrace our flaws
and transform them into strengths.
Meditating on Lord Shiva leads to inner peace and enlightenment.
Lord Shiva’s third eye represents the awakening of inner vision and wisdom.
May the blessings of Lord Shiva be with you always,
guiding you on the path of righteousness.
Har Har Mahadev This is a common mantra chanted by Shiva devotees,
and it means “Hail Lord Shiva!”
The destroyer is also the creator.
Lord Shiva is often seen as the destroyer of evil
and the creator of new beginnings.
Shiv Shankar image
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
Lord Shiva is often depicted as a simple ascetic,
emphasizing the value of a minimalist and spiritual lifestyle.
Shiva is not a god. He is the universe.
This quote reflects the belief that Shiva represents
the cosmic consciousness and is beyond the confines of conventional gods.
In the stillness of your presence, you can feel your own formless
and timeless reality as the unmanifested life that animates your physical form.
This quote highlights the meditative and introspective aspect of Lord Shiva’s teachings.
The mind is everything. What you think, you become.
This quote underscores the importance of controlling one’s thoughts
and achieving mental clarity, a principle often associated with Lord Shiva.
Dance like the universe is watching.
Shiva’s cosmic dance, known as the Tandava,
represents the rhythm of the universe,
and this quote encourages us to embrace life with enthusiasm and grace.
Let go of attachments and find inner peace.
Lord Shiva’s detachment from worldly desires
and possessions serves as an inspiration for seekers of inner tranquility.
Destroy the ego, and you will achieve self-realization.
Lord Shiva’s destruction of the ego symbolizes the path to enlightenment and self-discovery.
Om Namah Shivaya This is one of the most powerful mantras dedicated to Lord Shiva,
translating to I bow to Shiva. Chanting this mantra is believed to invoke his blessings and divine energy.
Har Har Mahadev! This is a popular chant among devotees of Lord Shiva,
and it means “Hail Lord Shiva!”
Lord Shiva is not a god; he is the God.
This quote emphasizes the supreme status of Lord Shiva in Hinduism.
In the stillness of your presence,
you can feel your own formless
and timeless reality as the unmanifested life
that animates your physical form.v Eckhart Tolle,
referring to the deep meditative state associated with Lord Shiva.
Shiva is not a destroyer. He is a liberator,
freeing souls from the cycle of birth and death.
When you have nothing to lose, you have everything to gain.
Lord Shiva reminds us to let go of attachments and find inner peace.
The most beautiful things in life are not things. They are moments, feelings,
and the presence of a loving heart. Lord Shiva represents the beauty of simplicity.
Shiva is the dance of the universe, the eternal rhythm of creation and destruction.
Embrace the dance, and you will find harmony in chaos.
Shiv baba images
Lord Shiva teaches us that true strength
comes from inner mastery, not external power.
When you seek the blessings of Lord Shiva,
you seek the blessings of inner transformation and spiritual awakening.
In the presence of Lord Shiva, the ego dissolves,
and the soul finds its true nature – pure and boundless.
Har Har Mahadev This is a common chant among Shiva devotees,
and it means “Hail Lord Shiva!
Lord Shiva, the destroyer, is also the purifier.
He removes the impurities of the mind and soul.
In the depth of meditation,
you find the source of strength within yourself.
That’s where you’ll meet Lord Shiva.
Shiva is not just a god; he is a way of life.
His teachings inspire us to rise above our limitations and find our true selves.
The third eye of Lord Shiva symbolizes the power of inner vision.
Look within, and you’ll find the answers you seek.”
Shiva is the ultimate yogi,
the embodiment of stillness and tranquility.
His grace can lead you on the path of inner peace.”
When you surrender to Lord Shiva,
you let go of your ego and embrace humility.
That’s when true transformation occurs.
Just as Shiva dances the Tandava, the dance of destruction,
he also dances the Lasya, the dance of creation and beauty.
Lord Shiva teaches us that life is a cycle of creation, preservation,
and destruction. Embrace the flow of life with equanimity.
The ashes smeared on Shiva’s body symbolize the impermanence of life.
Remembering this helps us detach from worldly attachments.
This is a popular chant among Shiva devotees,
and it means “Hail Lord Shiva!
In the stillness of your presence, you can feel your own formless
and timeless reality as the unmanifested life that animates your physical form.
Bhole baba ka photo
Lord Shiva, the destroyer of evil, is also the god of mercy and compassion.
He protects his devotees from the negative forces and bestows them with peace and happiness.
The highest state of meditation is samadhi,
where there is no ‘you’ and ‘me,’ only a sense of oneness with the universe.
The power of Lord Shiva is beyond measure, and his blessings are boundless.
Seek his grace, and you shall find inner strength and peace.
Shiva is not a god in the conventional sense;
he’s the very source of creation and the ultimate reality.
To know Shiva is to know oneself.
The third eye of Lord Shiva symbolizes insight, intuition,
and inner wisdom. Open your inner eye, and you will see the truth beyond appearances.
Lord Shiva’s dance, known as the Tandava, represents the eternal cycle of creation, preservation, and destruction. It’s a reminder that change is the only constant in life.”
When you surrender to Lord Shiva, you surrender to your true self.
He is the guru within, guiding you on the path of self-realization.
Embrace the qualities of Lord Shiva’s
detachment, simplicity, and compassion
and you will find peace in the chaos of life.
This is a popular chant among Shiva devotees,
meaning “Hail Lord Shiva!
Lord Shiva, the destroyer of evil, the god of meditation,
and the ultimate source of cosmic energy.
In the stillness of your presence, you can feel your own formless
and timeless reality as the unmanifested life that animates your physical form.
You can then feel the same life deep within every other human and every other creature.
You look beyond the veil of form and separation. This is the realization of oneness.
This is love.
Shiva is not a god. He is the universe.
When you have nothing, the world cannot touch you.
Shiva is the ultimate outlaw.
You can’t worship him, but you may join the gang.
Lord Shiva is the embodiment of stillness,
the silent witness of all that happens in the universe.
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Mahadev Quotes In English
The energy of Lord Shiva is both destructive and creative,
reminding us that endings are beginnings, and death is a part of life’s cycle.
Shiva’s third eye signifies the power of inner perception and spiritual awakening.
In the depth of meditation, the truth reveals itself.
Lord Shiva is the ultimate source of power, wisdom, and compassion.
In the stillness of your soul, you can find the presence of Shiva.
Shiva’s third eye symbolizes the power of inner perception and awareness.
Embrace the dance of destruction, for out of it,
new creation emerges, just as Shiva dances the Tandava.
Shiva teaches us to let go of the old to make way for the new,
like the shedding of old skin to reveal the new.
Lord Shiva’s grace is the antidote to all suffering.
The Ganga flows from the locks of Shiva, purifying everything in its path.
Let your actions Purify your life like the sacred river.
In the depths of meditation,
you can find the serenity of Shiva’s abode, Mount Kailash.
Shiva’s love for Parvati Is a symbol of the eternal love that transcends time and space.
Invoke the blessings of Shiva to find inner peace and balance in life.
Lord Shiva is the embodiment of simplicity and spirituality.
In the heart of every devotee,
Lord Shiva resides as the eternal source of strength and solace.
Mahakal image
Shiva is the destroyer of evil and the bestower of grace.
When you seek Lord Shiva with a pure heart,
he becomes your greatest ally in The Journey of life.
The dance of Lord Shiva, the Tandava,
symbolizes the Rhythm of the Universe,
where destruction is followed by creation.
Shiva’s third eye signifies the power of inner vision,
seeing beyond the apparent and understanding the deeper truths of existence.
In the silence of meditation,
you can find the presence of Shiva within yourself.
Let go of your ego and attachments,
and you will find the path to Shiva’s divine love.”
Like the river Ganga flowing from his matted locks,
may Shiva’s blessings purify and rejuvenate your life.”
Om Namah Shivaya Chant this mantra with devotion,
and you’ll connect with the divine energy of Lord Shiva.”