Funny Ghosting Quotes
I thought ghosting was just for ghosts
until you disappeared from my life.
When you ghosted me,
I almost called the Ghostbusters!

I guess Casper the Friendly Ghost
had better communication skills than you.
I’ve been ghosted so many times;
I’m starting to think I’m in a horror movie.
Ghosting is like my ex’s superpower
He can disappear without a trace!
I’m not saying you’re a ghost,
but you sure know how to disappear mysteriously.
If ghosting were an Olympic sport,
You’d be a gold medalist.
Ghosting: Because sometimes vanishing is more accessible
then explaining why you’re not that into someone.
I didn’t know you were auditioning for
The Invisible Man’ when you ghosted me.
I’m not sure if you’re a ghost
or just committed to hide and seek.
I got ghosted so many times;
I’m starting to think Casper is my only friend.
Ghosting: When communication goes from
I love your texts’ to ‘I love ignoring your texts.
I asked for a ghostwriter,
not a ghost texter.
I’m not saying I’m a professional ghostbuster,
but my dating life says otherwise.
I’m so good at getting ghosted that I should
put it on my resume under ‘Special Skills.
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Funny Ghosting Quotes
I’m convinced my ex became a magician
after we broke up because he disappeared so fast.
Ghosting is the dating world’s way of saying,
It’s not you, it’s all of you.'”
When life gives you ghosts,
Make ghost costumes and have a party.
My dating life is like a scary movie,
Except the ghosts are real, and they’re avoiding me.
If ghosting were an Olympic sport,
I’d have a gold medal by now.
I got ghosted so many times;
I’m starting to think my phone is haunted.
When you get ghosted,
it’s like your love story
turned into a paranormal activity movie.
I’m so good at being ghosted;
I could win an Olympic medal in disappearing acts.
Ghosting: Because sending a ‘Hey,
I’m not interested’ text is way too spooky.
I asked for a date,
not an exorcism. Stop ghosting me!
Ghosting: It’s like they’re auditioning
for a role in ‘Invisible Man.’
Ghosting is just modern dating’s
way of saying, ‘Abracadabra, you’re gone!
When you get ghosted,
you start to believe
you’re in a ‘Where’s Waldo?’ book,
but nobody’s looking for you.
The only ghost I want in my life
is the one that says ‘Boo!’
on Halloween, not in my texts.
If ghosting were an Olympic sport,
I’d be the undisputed champion.
Quotes ghosting
I’ve been ghosted so many times;
I’m starting to think I should apply
for a paranormal investigator license.
Ghosting is like my superpower.
I’m not saying it’s a good one,
but it’s something.
I don’t need a ghostwriter;
I need a ghost responder to deal with
with all these ghosts!
When they say they’re disappearing,’
They mean they’re getting ready for ghost mode.
Ghosting is the modern-day way of saying,
‘I’m so committed to avoiding confrontation.
that I’ve vanished into thin air.
I once dated Casper.
It turns out he was just practicing his ghosting skills on me.
Ghosting: The best way to break up
is to pretend you never existed.
If you’re going to ghost me,
At least leave behind your Wi-Fi password.
I’ve been ghosted so much;
I’m starting to believe
I’m in a real-life episode of ‘Ghost Hunters.
Remember, if someone ghosts, it’s their invisible cloak collection that needs attention.
I thought I was being ghosted,
but it turns out my text just had a really good hiding spot.
If ghosting was an Olympic sport,
I’d have a gold medal by now.
I don’t bluster,
but I believe in ghosting.
I’m not saying they’re ghosts,
but every time they’re supposed to text back,
They mysteriously vanish.
When life gives you ghosts,
make ghostbusters.
Quotes on ghosting
I told them I wanted a relationship, not a magic show.
Now you see them, now you don’t!
Ghosting is just modern dating’s
way of saying, ‘BOO!
I’m not sure if I’m being ghosted
or if my crush is just preparing for Halloween early.
I must be a ghost magnet because
People keep disappearing from my life.
“I tried to ghost my problems, but they came back haunting me.”
I’ve been ghosted so many times;
I’m starting to feel like a haunted house.
If ghosting were an Olympic sport,
I’d have a gold medal by now.
Ghosting is like my ex’s favorite Halloween costume
disappearing acts every year.
I’m not saying I’m a ghost whisperer,
but I’ve talked to more ghosts than exes lately.
Ghosting me is like leaving a pizza
in the oven and forgetting about it.
I’m still hot, but you missed out!
When someone ghosts you,
just pretend you’re a detective searching for
for a missing person. It’s a mystery, after all
I thought I had a great connection,
but I must have thought
I was in airplane mode and unreachable.
Ghosting is just like hide-and-seek,
Except they never bother to say, Ready or not, here I come.
I used to be scared of ghosts until
I realized humans are the real experts in ghosting.
Why pay for a psychic when my ex can predict?
my future by disappearing every few weeks?
Quotes about ghosting
Ghosting is the millennial version of you just not that into you with an invisibility cloak.
I’m so good at ghosting
that sometimes I scare myself.
Ghosting: When Casper takes relationship advice.
The only ghost I want to
see is the friendly one from Pac-Man.
Ghosting: When you suddenly become
a professional hide-and-seeker.
I don’t ghost people,
I just give them a glimpse of what
Life without me would be like that.
Ghosting is just my way of
practicing for the zombie apocalypse.
I’m not a ghost,
but I can disappear faster than one.
If ghosting were an Olympic sport,
I’d have a gold MedaWi-Fi now.
I tried ghosting,
but the Wi-Fi signal in the afterlife was terrible.
I’m so good at ghosting,
Even Casper would be jealous!
I don’t ghost people;
I just entered stealth mode.
I ghosted my to-do list today.
I didn’t see it coming!
When life gives you ghosts,
make ghostbusters!
I’m not a ghostbuster,
but I have a PhD in ghosting.
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Funny ghosting quotes
Ghosting is my cardio.
I’m not saying I’m a ghost,
but I’ve got the ‘disappearing act’ down to an art form.
I don’t believe in ghosts,
but I do believe in ghosting.
The only thing I ghost more than
People are my responsibility.
If ghosting was an Olympic sport,
I’d be a gold medalist.
I thought I was good at hide-and-seek
until I met someone who was a pro at hide-and-never seeks.
Ghosting is just the 21st-century way of saying,
‘I’d rather delete you than block you.
When life gives you ghosts,
Make Casper your new best friend.
I used to believe in ghosts,
but now I just believe in ghosting.
Ghosting: When communication dies
faster than a Snapchat streak.
I’m not saying they’re ghosts,
but I haven’t seen them since 2017.
Ghosting: the art of disappearing faster
than the Wi-Fi signal in an elevator.
Ghosting is so common these days
that I’m starting to think we’re all part of
of a paranormal dating experiment.
When you’re so good at ghosting,
You should consider joining the Ghostbusters.
I was ghosted so many times that now
I introduce myself as Casper at parties.
Ghosting quotes
I got ghosted so hard,
that even Casper would be jealous!
When someone ghosts you, just remember,
They’re the real phantoms in this dating game.
Ghosting is like the modern-day ‘poof’ in real life.
They vanish into thin air!
I’ve been ghosted so many times,
I’m starting to think I’m haunted!
Getting ghosted is like getting a sneak peek
week of what it’s like to be a Ghostbuster.
When they ghost you,
they’re saying,
You’re so unimportant,
I’ve turned into a ninja.
I’m not saying I’m a magnet for ghosts,
But my dating life is spookily quiet!
Ghosting: The art of disappearing faster
than a magician’s assistant during a magic trick.
Ghosting is just the polite way of saying,
I’m going to vanish now, Bye!
When life gives you ghosts,
Make ghost jokes!
I got ghosted so hard,
I thought I was in a horror movie!
Ghosting is the modern art
of disappearing faster than a magician’s rabbit.
I didn’t realize I was auditioning for
The Invisible Man’ when I gave out my number.
Ghosting is like turning into a ninja of relationships
One minute you’re there, and the next, you’ve vanished into thin air!
If ghosting were an Olympic sport,
I’d have a gold medal by now.
Ghosting funny quotes
I must be good at hide and seek
because my date is still looking for me.
I thought I was being ghosted.
but it turns out they just entered
the Witness Protection Program.
Ghosting: When Casper isn’t friendly anymore.
I’m not saying I’m an expert at ghosting,
but I can make myself disappear from a conversation
faster than a magician can pull a rabbit out of a hat.
Ghosting is the dating world’s way of saying,
‘You’re not even worth a goodbye text.
Ghosting is my cardio.
I’m so good at ghosting,
Even Casper is impressed.
My dating life is like
a haunted house full of ghosts!
I don’t ghost people.
I just turned invisible.
Ghosting: When communication dies,
and so do my replies.
I’m not a ghostbuster.
I’m a ghostwriter for breakup texts.
The only thing I’m committed to
to ghosting commitments.
I’m not ignoring you.
I’m just in stealth mode.
I ghost so often.
I should start a paranormal dating service.
When in doubt, ghost it out!
Ghosting meme
I must be a good ghost
because people are always trying to communicate
with me through the medium of WhatsApp.
Ghosting is just my way of practicing
for my future career as a magician
Now you see me, now you don’t!
I’ve been ghosted so many times,
I’m starting to think I should change
my relationship status to ‘Paranormal Activity.
I asked for a relationship,
not a magic show. But hey,
I guess disappearing acts are your specialty.
If ghosting were an Olympic sport,
I’d have a gold medal by now.
I don’t always get ghosted, but when I do,
I became the detective in an episode of ‘Ghost Hunters.
Ghosting me is like trying to mute a radio
I’ll still be here, playing in the background.
I’m convinced I’m in a long-distance
relationship with a ghost
because I only hear from them
when I’m about to give up hope.
Ghosting is the modern-day ‘now you see me,
Now you don’t have a relationship magic trick.
If ghosting were a career,
Some people would be CEOs by now.
Ghosting is like the Houdini of dating.
One moment they’re there, and poof, they’re gone!
I’m not saying they’re ghosts,
but their texting is haunted.
I thought we had something magical,
But it turns out, they were just practicing their disappearing act.
Ghosting is the modern-day way of saying,
I’m not good with goodbyes, so I won’t say one.
If ghosting were an Olympic sport,
I’d have a gold medal by now.
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Guy ghosting quotes
Ghosting: Casper would
rather be single than commit.
Maybe They’re not ghosts;
They’re just on a permanent
vacation from our conversation.
Ghosting is like a breakup without closure,
but with a whole lot of confusion.
I’ve been ghosted so many times.
I’m starting to think I’m in a relationship
with a paranormal activity enthusiast.
Ghosting: When the only thing left is their
unread messages and your unanswered questions.
I’ve been ghosted more than once.
than Casper has said ‘Boo!
If ghosting were an Olympic sport,
I’d have a gold medal by now.
“Ghosting: when your love life
becomes a horror story.
I’m not saying I’m a ghost.
but I’ve certainly mastered the art of disappearing.
I didn’t realize I was dating a magician
until they disappeared into thin air.
When life gives you ghosts,
Make ghost-shaped cookies.
I’ve decided to start a ghost tour company
I’ve got plenty of personal experience!
Ghosting is just a polite way of saying, ‘
I’m too lazy to say goodbye.
I’m so good at being ghosted
that I should consider a career
in paranormal investigations.
I thought I was in a relationship.
but it turns out I was just in a ghost story.
Being ghosted quotes
I don’t believe in ghosts.
but I do believe in ghosting.
It’s like they vanished into
thin air faster than my Wi-Fi connection!
Ghosting is the modern way of saying,
I’m just not that into you.
Casper would be proud!
I’ve been ghosted so many times.
I’m starting to think I have a supernatural attraction.
If ghosts can do it, so can I!
Maybe I should start ghosting my responsibilities too.
Ghosting: When someone becomes
more mysterious than the Bermuda Triangle.
I’m not saying I’m a ghost.
but I’ve disappeared from a few people, like one.
Ghosting is just our generation’s way of saying,
Let’s not meet and never speak again.
I’ve been ghosted so often,
I’m thinking about opening a paranormal dating agency.
Ghosting is like the Houdini of dating
Now you see them, now you don’t!
The only ghost I want in my life
is the ‘Ghost’ button on my social media chats.
I got ghosted so hard that
Even Casper would be jealous!
Ghosting is the art of disappearing, like
a ninja with commitment issues.
I thought I had a date.
but it turns out I just had a ghostwriter.
I didn’t know I was auditioning for ‘Ghost:
The Sequel’ when I gave them my number.
I’m starting to think my love life is sponsored
by a ghost-hunting show—they’re always disappearing!
Ghosting is like the modern-day version of
Now you see me, now you don’t.
Ghosted quotes
If ghosting was an Olympic sport,
I’d have a gold medal by now.
The only ghosts I believe
They are the ones who text ‘BOO!’ and then vanish.
I’ve been ghosted so many times,
I’m starting to think I’m in a paranormal romance novel.
My love life is like a game of hide and seek,
but no one ever bothers to find me.
I thought I was a good communicator until
I met someone who could disappear faster than a magician.
Ghosting is the new no.
You hang up first.
When life gives you ghosts,
make ghostbusters.
You know you’re ghosting too much
when your phone’s autocorrect suggests ‘Boo’ instead of ‘you.
I don’t always get ghosted,
but when I do, it’s by a professional.
Ghosting is just a polite way of saying,
I died… to this conversation.
I’m not saying they’re ghosts,
but I haven’t seen them since ‘Nam.
If ghosting were an Olympic sport,
I’d have a gold medal by now.
I asked my ghost for a selfie.
They sent me a picture of an empty chair.
My friend got ghosted so many times.
I suggested they change their dating app profile picture to Casper.
I got ghosted so many times.
I’m starting to think I’m haunting myself.
Quotes about being ghosted
“Ghosting is the ultimate disappearing act
It’s like you’re dating a magician.
I asked for a text, not a séance.
Don’t ghost me, communicate!
When you get ghosted, just remember you’re one step
closer to finding someone who doesn’t disappear like Houdini.
Ghosting: Casper has better
dating manners than some people.
Dating in the digital age:
Where ‘BOO’ means ghosting,
not a cute surprise.
I’ve been ghosted so many times;
I’m considering changing my relationship status to ‘haunted.
Ghosting should be a sport,
and I’ve already won the gold medal.
Ghosting is the modern way of saying,
I’m just not that into you;
I’m not into you at all.
Ghosting is when your love life
turns into a ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ book,
and every path leads to ‘Nobody’s here.
I don’t believe in ghosts.
but I do believe in ghosting people.
Casper, the friendly ghost!
Ghosting: The art of disappearing faster than
your Wi-Fi signal in a dead zone.
I’m so good at ghosting,
I could haunt a house without even being there!
I don’t ghost people,
I just temporarily became a friendly ghost.
When life gives you ghosts,
Make a ghost-ade by ghosting them back!
Ghosting is like the magic trick you never wanted to see,
but you can’t unsee it.
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Ghosting captions
I ghost people because
I believe in recycling relationships.”
I don’t ghost,
I just turned into a phantom friend
Here one minute, gone the next
Ghosting is my way of letting you know
that you’re now in a relationship with yourself.
If you can’t handle my ghosting,
You don’t deserve my texting.
I got ghosted so many times,
I’m starting to think
I should audition
for a reality ghost-hunting show.
Ghosting is the modern-day ‘Now you see me,
Now you don’t’ the magic trick of dating.
I thought I found the one,
but they disappeared faster
than a magician’s assistant in a magic show.
Poof, they were gone!
When you get ghosted,
It’s like dating a magician.
They make themselves disappear
and leave you wondering,
Was our connection just an illusion?
Ghosting: The art of suddenly
becoming as invisible as a ninja on a first date.
My love life is like a ghost story
They all vanish without a trace.
Ghosting is when Casper gets
tired of being friendly and just goes silent.
If ghosting were an Olympic sport,
I’d have a gold medal by now.
I don’t mind being ghosted.
It’s like free time for myself without having to explain.
Ghosting is just the dating world’s way of saying,
‘No spoilers here, folks!